Embark on an enchanting journey with "The Saga of the Scaling Scotty," a 2D sprite-based dungeon crawler where players control Scotty, an intrepid adventurer with the extraordinary ability to alter their size. Navigate through a captivating labyrinth filled with intricate puzzles and formidable foes, strategically shrinking to explore hidden passages or enlarging to conquer towering obstacles. The game's charming aesthetic and imaginative design come to life as Scotty unravels the mysteries of the labyrinth, encountering both adorable miniatures and colossal giants. Prepare for a dynamic and immersive experience as you experiment with size manipulation, revealing secrets and facing challenges in this whimsical world of scaling wonders.


  • <WASD>    Move
  • <MOUSE1>   Attack, use item of selected slot
  • <SCROLL>    Select inventory slot
  • <F>    Interact, pickup Item
  • <L_SHIFT>   Scale up
  • <L_CTRL> Scale down

This game was created during the Github GameOff 2023 Game Jam. The idea and game are created by Florian Zimmer, Jannis Jordan, Luisa Kurz and Justin Schulz. Several different thirdparty  assets were used, so make sure to check out all of the great creators out there in our credits right in the main menu!


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There is a bug where the keys get destroyed and you can't progress past the door :(

Oh! Do you have a clue how I can recreate it? Sorry about that!


I had got one type of key at some point, was able to pick up the other key, and then I tried to pick up the old key somehow and it destroyed all keys. 

Will look into it, thank you!